This site is provided as a source of Australian steel data for free access by anyone interested in obtaining information and CAD drawing data of steel sections.

Please note SteelWeb does not sell steel.

Please check the banner advertisements on the site for steel suppliers.

Structural Steel Sections

Universal Beams
Universal Columns
Column Cores
Universal Bearing Piles
Parallel Flange Channels
Tapered Flange Beams
Welded Beams
Welded Columns

Angle Sections

Equal Angles
Unequal Angles

Modified Beam Sections

Tee (half UB Sections)
Tee (half UC Sections)

Hollow Sections

Circular Hollow Sections
Rectangular Hollow Sections
Square Hollow Sections

Purlin Sections

C Sections
Z Sections

Bar Sections

Rod (no data)
Square (no data)
Round (no data)
Flat (no data)

While we have made every effort to check and verify the information provided here we can give no guarantees
as to its accuracy. If you do find an error please advise us so we can correct it.

Copyright (C) 2020 Temporal Images Email Us Last Updated: 3rd December 2020